Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Man, I Feel Like an Intern

So far throughout the summer there have been very few projects that I've felt like simply an intern and just doing all the crappy work that nobody else wants to do. However, with the couple big projects for this week, I definitely feel like that. The head honcho got a list of people that attended a meeting but the list didn't have any names on it, just company name and position held. So my job is to go through that list and try to come up with contact info for all these people. Much much harder than it sounds. Apparently people don't put their contact info on their company websites anymore and I can't imagine why. Can't they just put their email address on the internet for people like me to find so that we can send them all of the info about our company? Yes it would make their lives terrible but it would make my life easier and I think the life of an intern at a startup company is much more important than a CEO at a big name corporation. Don't you?

On the business side of things, our CTO was featured in the business magazine here in Columbus which was awesome!! Here's the link if you want to check out that article. Outside of that we have some high school kids coming on a tour of TechColumbus today and we were lucky enough to get to show them our office/labs, yay. Other than that it was a super slow week last week with the holiday and it's just starting to pick up again this week.

Until tomorrow, we out here spinning!

P.S. Still disappointed in Dave for only blogging once so far. This whole "Tale of Two Interns" thing was his idea too. I expected better from you Dave.

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