Friday, June 29, 2012

The GIMP Has Been Conquered

Yesterday, Dave and I were assigned to create new banners for the company's flyers and brochures (because the old ones were black/white/purple and I mean who wants to buy something from a company that's that boring?). So we took to the internet to find the best (free of course) program that would help us create awesome banners. Well everyone seem to suggest either Photoshop or GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), and since Photoshop is expensive we went with GIMP. I mean but seriously, who names their program GIMP? According to one of my coworkers it sounds like a disease, I got the gimp.

If you've ever tried to just figure out a graphic design program by yourself without having taken any classes on it, it is terribly difficult. Of course all of the tutorials that you find online and on youtube are absolutely worthless because they assume you know how to work the program! Well after about an hour or two of struggling we were finally able to say that we completed a new banner for NFS. We were so excited that we made one ourselves that we saved it under the file name: GIMPconquered.

By now we were starting to get the hang of gimping so we made a couple more and I think they turned out alright. When we were done with the last one we decided that when we get back to school we're changing our majors to graphic design because we're that good (not really).

Anyways check out a few of the first banners we created and let us know what you think of them! Until tomorrow, we out here spinnin!

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